Television Quotations - Quote Garden
Television Quotations - Quotations Page
Television Quotations - Wikipedia
Television and Children - University of Michigan - A Powerful, Massive Protest: Diminish the Corporate Media’s Power by Turning off Your TV for Good!
Dave Opinion
Just Say No Way
Television and Children (University of Michigan)
TV B Gone - Turn Off Your Television ! - Silence that idiot box ! - Negative Effects of TV - The Negative Effects of TV on Children
Hacking Memes & Culture Jammers
Adbusters - TV Turnoff Week
Alternet - TV Turnoff Week: Kicking the Boob Tube Habit - TV was a cultural earthquake
Nourish Interactive - Celebrate ‘Turn Off TV Week’
Russ's Web - How Your Brain Develops
The Sourcebook for Teaching Science - Television & Health - 2001
Shift in Action - Zen TV - Couch Potato – Television bad for your health? Not from this angle
The News Observer - TV ban for kids is risky
Shaping Youth - The Electronic Pacifier: No TV under two!
Alternet - 10 Revolting TV Shows That Need to Die
Cracked - 6 Shocking Ways TV Rewires Your Brain
Flickr - My Head is Really a TV
Hub Pages - Effects Of Television On Humans
Parenting Healthy Children - Negative Effects Of Television Addiction and Computer Addiction Show Children Need Protection - Passive brains retain sensations, not information
You Tube - TV Rots your Brain
You Tube - How Television Affects Your Brain
You Tube - TV rots your brain - Alec Baldwin
You Tube - Television, the Drug of a Nation
Tumblr - anti-tv
i09 - Great Masterpieces of Anti-Television Storytelling
Texasescapes - On Norman Mailer & TV
"Disadvantages of television: It promotes passivity. Television allows its audiences to live vicariously through the situations and lives of fictional characters. It's far easier for a television viewer to experience the thrill of a television character's success than it is to go out and create success on their own terms. This is particularly detrimental to children and teenagers who need to develop a strong sense of self and a purpose in life. Television encourages passivity." - Yahoo Voices (March 2008)
"In a society where most people were "visually literate" or "media literate" but lack solid, well-developed, constantly-used reading skills, the literate or "text-oriented" minority would be in control--perhaps not always overtly, but most assuredly where it counts. In that dystopian vision, we would revert to a medieval state where the knowledgeable few rule the ignorant masses. This time the ignorant masses would not think themselves ignorant, since they would be flooded with "information" through the vastly richer channels of sight and sound. " Express Lib (1992)
Anti-TV ad boycotted by German channels
The Harmful Effects of Watching Too Much Television
Sydney's Education Page
Life 123 - Beware the Negative Influence of Children's TV
Television is a Hallucination
How Television Affects Your Brain Chemistry -- And That's Not All!
wikiHow - How to Get Your Children Away from TV
Who Needs Cable? Maybe I Do - expenses go up after man cancels cable
television: opiate of the masses 1
television: opiate of the masses 2
Brainwaves and Nasa
Get Out of the Box !
I'm The Slime Lyrics (Frank Zappa)
Television, The Drug of the Nation - Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy
Amused to Death - Pink Floyd
Songs about the evils of television
Poem # 1 - Television
Our Lady Peace
The Age of Egocasting
Forcing TV viewers to watch advertising... and more...
The Quote Garden - Television Quotes
The man who does not read books has no advantage over the man that can not read them.
- Mark Twain
The “well-informed citizenry” is in danger of becoming the “well-amused audience.”
- Al Gore
A society of sheep must beget in time a government of wolves.
- Bertrand de Jouvenel