Anti-TV Websites

Bowling Alone 

Campaign For A Commercial-Free Childhood

ClicKit! To Reduce Television in Early Childhood

Ellen Currey Wilson – The Big Turnoff 

Herber Valley Unplugged

I’m Missing All Of My Shows 

Instead of TV 

Life Without Television

Media by Choice

Media Violence Resource Center

Natural News - Television

People Unplugged

Plato's Cave

Play Unplugged

Screen Free Project

Screen Free Week

Screen-Time Awareness - Interview

Television vs Children

The New Citizen

Trash Your TV

Turn Off Your TV 

TV Smarter - Blog

TV Stinks 

Unplug The Signal 

Unplug Your Kids 

White Dot 

White Dot – Forum 

White Dot - Wikipedia


Commercial Alert - Television

Kill Your Television - Blog

Society for the Eradication of Television

Television's Negative Impact on Children

Trying It Without TV

Turn It Off !

The New Citizen

Free Radical

Too Much TV


Against TV (from a religious perspective)

Pure Gospel Truth - Watching TV is Enslaving Americans

Night after night, we sit for long hours in dark rooms. Identical images flow into our brains, McDonaldizing our perspectives, knowledge, tastes, desires.

“the 23rd Psalm in a Media Age”: “The TV is my shepherd; I shall not want. It makes me to lie down on the sofa. It leads me away from Scriptures; it destroys my soul. It leads me into the paths of sex and violence for the sponsor’s sake. Yea, though I walk in the shadow of my Christian responsibility, there will be no interruption for the TV is with me. Its cable and remote control they comfort me. It prepares a commercial before me in the presence of my worldliness. It anoints my head with humanism. My coveting runneth over. Surely laziness and ignorance shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house watching TV forever.”

"Television: Agent of Truth Decay"

Television Statistics

What is it that religious Jews have against television?

"Rabbi Ezriel Tauber, in a lecture, said that no one would ever put a sewer in their living room because no one wants the filth gushing right into the middle of their homes. Rabbi Tauber added that having a television was just like having a sewer, because it enabled the garbage and filth of society to flow indiscriminately into your home."

The Truth About Television

“Do not bring an abomination into your house since you will become accursed like it,” He warned His chosen people. “You should utterly detest [an idol] and utterly abhor it, for it is an objectively cursed thing.”(1) Ancient Israel needed a commandment to detest the detestable, abhor the abhorrent, and keep it far from their homes, the Torah teaches, because once even the most crass influence passes within, it grows gradually less offensive and more acceptable."

The Holy Bible vs the TV Guide


Television Quotations - Quote Garden

Television Quotations - Quotations Page

Television Quotations - Wikipedia

Television and Children -  University of Michigan - A Powerful, Massive Protest: Diminish the Corporate Media’s Power by Turning off Your TV for Good!

Dave Opinion

Just Say No Way

Television and Children (University of Michigan)

TV B Gone - Turn Off Your Television ! - Silence that idiot box ! - Negative Effects of TV - The Negative Effects of TV on Children

Hacking Memes & Culture Jammers

Adbusters - TV Turnoff Week

Alternet - TV Turnoff Week: Kicking the Boob Tube Habit - TV was a cultural earthquake

Nourish Interactive - Celebrate ‘Turn Off TV Week’

Russ's Web - How Your Brain Develops

The Sourcebook for Teaching Science - Television & Health - 2001

Shift in Action - Zen TV -  Couch Potato – Television bad for your health? Not from this angle

The News Observer - TV ban for kids is risky

Shaping Youth - The Electronic Pacifier: No TV under two!

Alternet - 10 Revolting TV Shows That Need to Die

Cracked - 6 Shocking Ways TV Rewires Your Brain

Flickr - My Head is Really a TV

Hub Pages - Effects Of Television On Humans

Parenting Healthy Children - Negative Effects Of Television Addiction and Computer Addiction Show Children Need Protection - Passive brains retain sensations, not information

You Tube - TV Rots your Brain

You Tube - How Television Affects Your Brain

You Tube - TV rots your brain - Alec Baldwin

You Tube - Television, the Drug of a Nation

Tumblr - anti-tv

i09 - Great Masterpieces of Anti-Television Storytelling

Texasescapes - On Norman Mailer & TV

"Disadvantages of television: It promotes passivity. Television allows its audiences to live vicariously through the situations and lives of fictional characters. It's far easier for a television viewer to experience the thrill of a television character's success than it is to go out and create success on their own terms. This is particularly detrimental to children and teenagers who need to develop a strong sense of self and a purpose in life. Television encourages passivity." - Yahoo Voices (March 2008)

"In a society where most people were "visually literate" or "media literate" but lack solid, well-developed, constantly-used reading skills, the literate or "text-oriented" minority would be in control--perhaps not always overtly, but most assuredly where it counts.  In that dystopian vision, we would revert to a medieval state where the knowledgeable few rule the ignorant masses.  This time the ignorant masses would not think themselves ignorant, since they would be flooded with "information" through the vastly richer channels of sight and sound. "   Express Lib (1992)

Anti-TV ad boycotted by German channels

The Harmful Effects of Watching Too Much Television

Sydney's Education Page

Life 123 - Beware the Negative Influence of Children's TV

Television is a Hallucination

How Television Affects Your Brain Chemistry -- And That's Not All!

wikiHow - How to Get Your Children Away from TV

Who Needs Cable? Maybe I Do - expenses go up after man cancels cable

television: opiate of the masses 1

television: opiate of the masses 2

Brainwaves and Nasa

Get Out of the Box !

I'm The Slime Lyrics (Frank Zappa)

Television, The Drug of the Nation - Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy

Amused to Death - Pink Floyd

Songs about the evils of television

Poem # 1 - Television

Our Lady Peace

The Age of Egocasting

Forcing TV viewers to watch advertising... and more...


The Quote Garden - Television Quotes

The man who does not read books has no advantage over the man that can not read them.

- Mark Twain

The “well-informed citizenry” is in danger of becoming the “well-amused audience.”

- Al Gore

A society of sheep must beget in time a government of wolves.

- Bertrand de Jouvenel

Bloggers Linking to tvSmarter

Thank You Bloggers!!

Unplug Your Kids - Resources

Life Without Television - Related Organizations

Media by Choice

Better World Links

Living Now - Television as a child development hazard

Dr. Rishikof - TV watching in Toddlers and preschooler

Erupting Mind - The Effects of TV on the Brain

/sh -dystopia

Truce Teachers - Media Violence

Pinterest - Screen-Time Tips

Talula's Barefoot Books Blog

Hybridrogue1 - Voodoo Ritual 2 (Sept 2014)

Business Handshakes - 6 Little Known Side Effects of Televsion (Nov 2013)

ABC Blogs - Paladas de euros - English Translation (April 2013)

Abdulla - TV Smarter (Sept 2012)

Every Wise Woman - TV Watching Is Bad for Your Brain (Aug 2012)

I'm More Romanian Than You - A Radiant Eruption of Democracy (Feb 2012)

Applied Social Psychology - Too much news? (Dec 2011)

Better Brains Online - TV and Depression (Nov 2011)

Danville Patch - Driven to Distraction by Spongebob? (Sept 2011)

Enjoy Birth - The Benefits of Being Media Free (July 2011)

Shut Up and Listen! - How Snooki Affects Global Warming (May 2011)

Yahoo Voices - TV in Excess Causes Depression (June 2010)

Kristine Obert - April 14th Research (April 2010)

Are They All Yours? - TV Turnoff Resources (March 2010)

Examiner - Metal 101: How to listen to metal (and music in general) (Feb 2010)

Media by Choice - DOOH and involuntary attention: cynical manipulation (Jan 2010)

Hipermediaciones - El Mutante Arte De La Lectura Libros Elibros Y Pantallas (Spanish) - English Translation (Nov 2009)

Discursus - On Literacy (Nov 2009)

Media - Loosing our knowledge (May 2009)

OLGANON - The Awful Truth About Television (Dec 2008)

Dyland - Television Kills The Brain.....FACTS (Sept 2008)

Junk Culture Manifesto - Quick Note On Self-Esteem & Television or Stop Exposing Yourself to Consumer Culture! (April 2008)

The Toby Show - The TV Trap (March 2008)

Easter Lemming Liberal News - Is TV killing Democracy in America? (Jan 2007)

Stumble Upon - (Nov 2006)

OPML, The Harvard Book of  - TV Smarter (Oct 2006)

Druid Journal - Eight Reasons Why TV is Evil (Aug 2006)

Blogging Against TV

Anti-TV Mommas

Ellen Currey Wilson - The Big Turnoff

I'm Missing All of My Shows


Television vs Children

Trying It Without TV

TV Addiction - Blog

TV Stinks

Unplug Your Kids

Turn Off That TV - Psychology Today

When the Media is the Parent - Psychology Today

When the Media is the Parent

Blogging Posts Against TV - The Harmful Effects of Watching Too Much Television

Common Dreams - A Powerful, Massive Protest: Diminish the Corporate Media's Power by Turning off Your TV for Good!

Seth Godin's Blog - But it's better than TV

J.R. Briggs - Turn Off Your TV

Breaking The Habit Of Me - Is TV stealing your life? 3 ways to kick the TV habit

Skaczkowskj - The Effects of Television - Spudding Out

Derek Harvey - Spudding Out

Daily 49er - Neighborhoods are like ghost towns, kids don’t play outside

Stanford Bookhaven - TV? Don’t waste your time, says Stanford prez

Think Traffic - Watching TV: Simple Pleasure or Stupid Waste of Time?

API Healthline - Bad Effects Of Watching Too Much TV

The Mayor's Health Line Blog - Is it Time to Turn Off the TV?

Imperfect Spirituality - One Way To Turn Your Brain To Mush Or Why I Love TV

Eye of the Cyclone - Is Television really behind Alien Abductions?

Early to Rise - Brainwaves and Nasa

Hassam - Effects Of Television On Humans

Mystery Dave - Opiate Of The Masses

The Mothering Coach - Television and Babies

Dodosville - What Would Life Be Like Without TV

Psychology Today - The Case(s) Against Television (What psychologists, economists, and David Foster Wallace think about TV.)

Psychology Today - TV and Young Character

Psychology Today - Is Big Media Slowly Killing Our Children? Too much media can lead to obesity and poor health

Psychology Today - Taming Television, Curbing Video Games

Psychology Today - Unplug the TV and Plug Into Aloha!

Daddy's Roses - Mich. kids urged to kick the TV habit

Small Life Slow Life - 9 Reasons to Give Up TV

Babble - Moving towards a screen-free lifestyle with kids

Families - Going Unplugged

Poor Reception - Could I Finally Wean My Family Off TV?

The First Weblog - The Real Reality Show - Take Control of Your TV!

Chris Under Grace - Self-imposed Putrefaction

Teeveeaguirre - No Television (sorta)

Say What You Need to Say - What Televisions Eat For Breakfast

Psychology Today - eParenting: Setting limits even if your kids know more than you do

Teacher Tom Blog - Watching Television Is Relaxing

Teacher Tom Blog - I Don't Know What It Means, But It's True (More About Watching TV)

Healthy and Simple - More TV Means Less Life

Oliver Steele - My No TV

Everything But Pickles - We Killed Our Television

Big Old Daddy - 12 years later and still no reasons to watch TV

Druid Journal - Eight Reasons Why TV is Evil

Dangerous Intersection - Just say “no” to TV. Do it for your country

planning from the outside - TV emotion

Ms Single Mama - Kill Your TV !

Creating Passionate Users - Anti TV Rant

Creating Passionate Users - Anti TV Followup

Could you spend an entire day "unplugged?" - Psychology Today Blog

110 Factor - Anti TV Tech

Kiwi Polemicist - TV Damages Parent-Child Relationships

The Weekly Gripe - No TV in This House

Epheriell Designs - Why I Don't Watch TV

PJ Miller - The Twilight of the Books?

Daily Kos - Try a little silence and no TV this Lent. It will make you sane once more!

Truth Addicts Anonymous - What Television is Doing to You

Markham's Behavioral Health - Is TV destroying our social capital?

Josh Staiger - I'm unplugging my TV

Dodosville: The Teleban

Just Insomnia - Television Abstinence

The Not Quite Crunchy Parent - What to do Instead of TV ?

Parent.Thesis - Debunking Baby Einstein

Parent.Thesis - Why Gen X parents love Baby Einstein

Eco Child’s Play - Three Good (Green) Reasons to Give Up TV

Strike the Root - Turn It Off

Salient - Television: Tune into static

An Argument against Television for Children

lifehacker - Save money by turning off the TV - forever!

Inventor Spot - If there was something that you as a parent could do to decrease your child's risk of cancer, increase their level of education, and prevent them from getting involved with sex, drugs and alcohol until an age of responsibility, would you? Even if it meant turning off the TV?

Carsons Post - TV Can Cause Attention Problems

TV Limiting Technology

List & Comparison of TV blockers

Token Timer

Power Cop

Play Limit

Power Plug Lock

Time Machine

Eye Timer

TV Be Gone

TV Be Gone - Article

Stanford Student Media Awareness to Reduce Television (SMART) curriculum is being used in California and Michigan. SMART in San Francisco, SMART in Canada