Screen Free Week - Lots of Handouts and Resources
What do I need to know about children and TV?
Television and Children (University of Michigan)
TV FAQs - white dot
Television and Children - University of Michigan
Television Statistics
The Mayor's Health Line Blog - Is it Time to Turn Off the TV?
ClicKit! To Reduce Television in Early Childhood
It's Official: TV Linked to Attention Deficit - white dot
The Importance of Reading for Pleasure - pdf
Violence and aggression: media mayhem affects kids
Living Now - Television as a child development hazard
Why TV Undermines Academics & Values
Understanding Media Effects - Children Imitate What They See
"Should babies and toddlers watch television?" -
National Association of School Psychologists - Children and Television
Why Turnoff Completely
Childhood Obesity on the Rise - NIH
The Importance of Outdoor Play
Reading and Your Child
Raise a Child Who Loves to Read
Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) Brochure - pdf